• Yes. I offer a free 15 minute phone consultation. Typically in this conversation we will chat about:

    what’s bringing you to therapy at this time

    any questions you have about the process

    my approach to therapy

    availability, scheduling, and rates

    Book Here

  • The cost is $160 per 50-minute session due at time of service.

    I accept the following payment methods: all major credit cards, cash, and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)/Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).

  • I am an out-of-network provider with insurance. Depending on your out-of-network benefits your insurance company may reimburse you for part of the cost. If you choose to use your out-of-network benefits I can provide you with a monthly 'superbill' for you to submit to your insurance company.

    Some questions you could ask your insurance company are:

    Do I have out-of-network mental health coverage?

    What is the reimbursement rate for outpatient psychotherapy sessions?

    How do I submit a claim for reimbursement?

  • To ensure therapy is accessible; I keep a limited amount of reduced fee spots available. If this is something you need you can reach out and see if there are any spots currently available.

  • Since everyone has different needs, session frequency is determined on an individual basis and will be discussed in the first couple sessions. We typically recommend starting with weekly appointments and then reevaluating and adjusting as we work towards your goals.

  • Telehealth makes therapy more accessible when time or distance prevent you from getting the care you need. Telehealth takes place over a secure virtual platform called SimplePractice.

  • I recommend calling your insurance company and asking them for a list of in-network providers. You can also use psychology today or therapy den to search for providers in-network.

  • If you’re ready to schedule, reach out here or email

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